Andreas Reikowskis ( review on Schabenstein 2x4 Lego Event at the Stuttgart fair November 2019
Photograpy blog (Jens Werlein)
a camera made from LEGO that can take photos ?
the idea is taking shape
the Werlein lego camera project is proceeding
There we are ! It works !
Andy - the gearhead in the team - introduces himself
Interesting Blog from Jens about large format photography with lego cameras
Lego-Club Schwabenstein 2x4 e.v.
great & obliging people ! It had been an honor for us to take part at he Schabenstein 2019 ! We are looking forward to the 2020 fair !
Die Brick Twin Towers had an all-over heaight of 4,23 Meters. Respect, guys - definitely our definite favourite moq !
German Camera Museum Plech - Andys´ second home
The social scientist and (photo) pedagogue Sven Spierling from Mettmann not only carries out photo projects with different target groups. He also experiments with analogue 35mm, medium and large format cameras. In this article he shows how he built a large-format Lego camera and how he experimented with it. He shares his experiences and at the same time he shows a fascinating project idea.